Eliza Starrett

HIGH SCHOOL: Pekin Eastern




My name is Eliza Starrett and this is my second year with the DistinXion Program. I chose DistinXion because I knew it would be the right program to not only better me as a player but also as a person. The thing I love most about this program is the emphasis on being dedicated and responsible. My ultimate goal is to strive for winning along with helping my team and being the best we can be mentally and physically. My goal off the court is to keep my good grades and become a leader, as an older sister I want to be someone that kids like her will look up to and want to be like when they are older. I want to go to college and hopefully play a sport in college along with getting a degree in the medical field and either becoming a nurse anesthetist or a nurse practitioner. My dream job is to be a surgeon. I love working on the farm and with my cows. I also love swimming, being outside, and hanging out with my family. A few fun facts about me are that I live on a cattle farm and I am in 4-H. I show cows, rabbits, pigs, and chickens at our local fair and along with basketball I also play volleyball and tennis and like to run.

Psalm 28:7