Reegan Hammelman

HIGH SCHOOL: north knox




My name is Reegan Hammelman and this is my first year at Distinxion. I chose DistinXion because I wanted the opportunity to improve my basketball skills and to meet new people as well. I'd also like to grow my relationship with God and I felt this would be a great way to help me. My favorite thing about DistinXion is the work ethic of everybody that is at practice. It always helps me push myself to always do my best. My ultimate goal on the court is to always play my hardest and keep a good attitude as well. I would like to maintain my G.P.A and continue to work hard to make A's. I don't know what my future career will be but I would like to go to college. After high school, I plan to go to college. I'm not sure yet if I will continue my athletic career in either track or basketball in college but it is something I'm looking into. Right now, I'm not for sure what I would like to be, but I am interested in business. In my free time, I usually like to read or spend time with my family and friends. Nothing super interesting. I do have like 30 cousins though.

John 3:16